What is this blog all about? My name is Rod Murray and I love to ride my newly acquired motorcycle. Some call the Piaggio MP3 500 a "maxi-scooter" since it's big (500 cc) and has a step-through frame like a scooter. I call it FUN!
I don't have to throw my leg over the bike to mount it. It has an automatic transmission. Twist the throttle and go - instead of having to coordinate my left hand clutch and my left foot shifter. It also happens to have 3 wheels, but it's not a typical "trike" with two wheels in the rear. The MP3 has two in the front for a 20% increase in stopping power and stability. I don't even have to put my foot down at traffic lights. All this and it leans just like a regular motorcycle.
But what this blog is really about, is why I decided to ride again and most of all, to share with you some of the JOY in my weekend joy-riding.
If you want to skip right to my ride movies, try my YouTube Channel or my Contour Helmet Cam Page.
Since this is a blog, you'll have to read from the back, the oldest posts first, if you want my full story in chronological order.